Columbus Africentric High School
Alexus Austin
Kayin Perkins
Amanda-Clearcreek High School
Michaela Sahr
James Sites
Beechcroft High School
Makyah Lee
Aarin Smoot-Baker
Berne Union High School
Braden Little
Bexley High School
Grace Maley
Nicholas De la Cruz
Big Walnut High School
Taryn Hammond
Zachary MacDonald
Bloom-Carroll High School
Megan Robinson
Jacob Peters
Briggs High School
Laura Fox
Buckeye Valley High School
Elise Schneller
Ben Spaulding
Canal Winchester High School
Alyssa Edwards
Mason Kamer
Cardington-Lincoln High School
Nadia Kerman
Derek Goodman
Centennial High School
Emily Yoder-Tiedt
Brandon Gibson
Centerburg High School
Morgan Sheasby
Michael Collins
Central Crossing High School
Katie Brewer
Jake Ferenchak
Circleville High School
Avery DeLong
Gregory Brewer
Columbus Academy
Audrey Grammel
Roman Bellisari
Columbus School for Girls
Sadiyah Babatunde
Cristo Rey Columbus High School
Asia Riley
Lavon Marshall
Danville High School
Vanessa Hawk
Russell Alden
Delaware Hayes High School
Brooke Glesenkamp
Justin Hernan
St. Francis DeSales High School
Emily Kraker
Anthony Salmeron
Dublin Coffman High School
Megan Cameron
Cal Haefke
Dublin Jerome High School
Mariana Eraña Salmerón
Jackson Herceg
Dublin Scioto High School
Alexis McQuade
Joel Shambaugh
East High School
Lyric Andrews
East Knox High School
Lyndsey Gallwitz
Drake Pence
Eastmoor Academy
Victoria Heard
Bernard Banaga
Elgin High School
Makenzee Runda
Syler Dyer
Fairbanks High School
Krista Nicol
Jack Herbst
Fairfield Christian Academy
Kyleigh Edwards
Luke Hoover
Fairfield Union High School
Emma Hoellrich
Hayden Price
William V. Fisher Catholic
Bailey Muckensturm
Brock Conrad
Franklin Heights High School
Madelyn Castle
Derek Dang
Fredericktown High School
Rachel Tumbleson
Wyat Harmon
Gahanna Lincoln High School
Emily Sloan
Major Belli
Grandview Heights High School
Molly Smith
Patrick Taylor
Granville High School
Brooke Kauchak
William Sharp
Granville Christian Academy
Keegan Muth
Sheldon Weekley
Grove City High School
Gina Conti
Zachary Sammeth
Grove City Christian
Lane Scott
Clayton Lepley
Groveport Madison High School
Kendra Soler
Kenneth Pettay
Hamilton Township High School
Julia Scholl
Anthony Morbitzer
Bishop Hartley High School
Margaret Farrell
Mitchell Bergman
Harvest Preparatory School
Antwyan Reynolds
Heath High School
Abigail Wilhelm
Aaron Latiolais
Highland High School
Julie Scarbury
Colten Oakley
Hilliard Bradley High School
Haley Delpico
Cullen Bober
Hilliard Darby High School
Victoria McLaughlin
Ellis Farson
Hilliard Davidson High School
Kelly Heck
Jeremy Kenny
Independence High School
Oluwaseun Isaiah
Thierno Ba
Columbus International High School
Imani Roberts
Johnstown Monroe High School
Samantha Edwards
Kyle Matoszkia
Jonathan Alder High School
Aziza Ayoub
Matthew Seimer
Lakewood High School
Shae Miller
Blaine Hafen
Lancaster High School
Savannah Dalton
Christopher Meszaros
Liberty Union High School
Kenley French
Blake Morman
Licking Heights High School
Katie Palombaro
Leland Kelly
Licking Valley High School
Breanne Butler
Griffen Moore
Linden-McKinley High School
Payzlie Burden-Mickens
Kylen Burns
Logan Elm High School
Jessica Willard
Garrett Mitchel
London High School
McLaren Rogerson
Grant Brooks
Madison Christian School
Jayln Stackhouse
Connor Randall
Madison Plains High School
Addison Davison
Ross Buscemi
Marion Franklin High School
Tyneesha Cunningham
Jaylon Williams
Marion Harding High School
Jessica Vela
Phillip Nicol
Marysville High School
Kathleen Kennedy
Connor Hall
Mifflin High School
Sopiyatra Long
Delonte Myers
Millersport High School
Cassie Schilling
Alec Harrison
Mount Gilead High School
Olivia Brewer
Daniel Williamson
Mount Vernon High School
Natasha Miller
Jacob Tiell
New Albany High School
Sierra Parkinson
Maxwell Frye
Newark High School
Leah Wingeier
Quinn Anderson
Newark Catholic High School
Megan Stanton
Andrew Snider
North Union High School
Emma Hayward
Garrett Schilling
Northland High School
Skyler Babcock
Brandon Waugh
Northmor High School
Kristen Duryea
Anthony White
Northridge High School
Jenna Denune
Chris George
Northside Christian School
Breanna Potts
Olentangy High School
Morgan McCandless
Maxwell Hall
Olentangy Liberty High School
Claire Buckey
Ryan Milligan
Olentangy Orange High School
Hannah Sargent
Hunter Moore
Pickerington High School Central
Elizabeth Fee
Chance Esmont
Pickerington High School North
Abby Grube
Peter Vanderhoff
Pleasant High School
Valentina Martin
Drayson Campbell
Bishop Ready High School
Katherine Perry
Ian Binns
Reynoldsburg High School
Hannah Gaskins
Joseph Cooper Jr.
Ridgedale High School
Emma Forry
Hunter Boyd
River Valley High School
Christina Longo
Cort Klingel
Shekinah Christian School
Sabrina Slabaugh
Christopher Conte
South High School
Demeisha Ransom
Dez Robinson
St. Charles Preparatory School
Evan Yakubov
Teays Valley High School
Raelynn Hastings
Cody Tripp
Thomas Worthington High School
Hannah Moulton
Joshua Allen
Tree of Life High School
Nicole Ihlenfield
Matthew Badea
Upper Arlington High School
Anna Schildmeyer
Andy Hummer
Utica High School
Grace Brubaker
Phillip Barrows
Village Academy
Tessa Medrano
Jack DeLano
Walnut Ridge High School
Efinity Crawford
Michael Ayers
Watkins Memorial High School
Caitlyn Smith
Cory Steer
Bishop Watterson High School
Giavanna Paradiso
Nicholas Giesler
The Wellington School
Nia Gill
Connor Weber
West High School
Jordan Claffey
Mose Lattimore
West Jefferson High School
Morgan McKinney
Martin Ellinger
Westerville Central High School
Abigail Steele
Evan Ingram
Westerville North High School
Karli Royer
Danny Mayotte
Westerville South High School
Olivia Talamo
Austin Lovell
Westland High School
Mia Botkins
Curtiss Shore
Whetstone High School
Bailey Waitkus
Michael Ray
Whitehall-Yearling High School
Rebecca Maxstead
Natnael Dessa
Worthington Christian High School
Lynsey Meeks
Jay Joseph
Worthington Kilbourne High School
Bethany Lange
Jack Trombetti
Alden, Russell
Danville High School
Allen, Joshua
Thomas Worthington High School
Anderson, Quinn
Newark High School
Andrews, Lyric
East High School
Austin, Alexus
Columbus Africentric High School
Ayers, Michael
Walnut Ridge High School
Ayoub, Aziza
Jonathan Alder High School
Ba, Thierno
Independence High School
Babatunde, Sadiyah
Columbus School for Girls
Babcock, Skyler
Northland High School
Badea, Matthew
Tree of Life High School
Banaga, Bernard
Eastmoor Academy
Barrows, Phillip
Utica High School
Belli, Major
Gahanna Lincoln High School
Bellisari, Roman
Columbus Academy
Bergman, Mitchell
Bishop Hartley High School
Binns, Ian
Bishop Ready High School
Bober, Cullen
Hilliard Bradley High School
Botkins, Mia
Westland High School
Boyd, Hunter
Ridgedale High School
Brewer, Katie
Central Crossing High School
Brewer, Gregory
Circleville High School
Brewer, Olivia
Mount Gilead High School
Brooks, Grant
London High School
Brubaker, Grace
Utica High School
Buckey, Claire
Olentangy Liberty High School
Burden-Mickens, Payzlie
Linden-McKinley High School
Burns, Kylen
Linden-McKinley High School
Buscemi, Ross
Madison Plains High School
Butler, Breanne
Licking Valley High School
Cameron, Megan
Dublin Coffman High School
Campbell, Drayson
Pleasant High School
Castle, Madelyn
Franklin Heights High School
Claffey, Jordan
West High School
Collins, Michael
Centerburg High School
Conrad, Brock
William V. Fisher Catholic
Conte, Christopher
Shekinah Christian School
Conti, Gina
Grove City High School
Cooper Jr., Joseph
Reynoldsburg High School
Crawford, Efinity
Walnut Ridge High School
Cunningham, Tyneesha
Marion Franklin High School
Dalton, Savannah
Lancaster High School
Dang, Derek
Franklin Heights High School
Davison, Addison
Madison Plains High School
De la Cruz, Nicholas
Bexley High School
DeLano, Jack
Village Academy
DeLong, Avery
Circleville High School
Delpico, Haley
Hilliard Bradley High School
Denune, Jenna
Northridge High School
Dessa, Natnael
Whitehall-Yearling High School
Duryea, Kristen
Northmor High School
Dyer, Syler
Elgin High School
Edwards, Alyssa
Canal Winchester High School
Edwards, Kyleigh
Fairfield Christian Academy
Edwards, Samantha
Johnstown Monroe High School
Ellinger, Martin
West Jefferson High School
Eraña Salmerón, Mariana
Dublin Jerome High School
Esmont, Chance
Pickerington High School Central
Farrell, Margaret
Bishop Hartley High School
Farson, Ellis
Hilliard Darby High School
Fee, Elizabeth
Pickerington High School Central
Ferenchak, Jake
Central Crossing High School
Forry, Emma
Ridgedale High School
Fox, Laura
Briggs High School
French, Kenley
Liberty Union High School
Frye, Maxwell
New Albany High School
Gallwitz, Lyndsey
East Knox High School
Gaskins, Hannah
Reynoldsburg High School
George, Chris
Northridge High School
Gibson, Brandon
Centennial High School
Giesler, Nicholas
Bishop Watterson High School
Gill, Nia
The Wellington School
Glesenkamp, Brooke
Delaware Hayes High School
Goodman, Derek
Cardington-Lincoln High School
Grammel, Audrey
Columbus Academy
Grube, Abby
Pickerington High School North
Haefke, Cal
Dublin Coffman High School
Hafen, Blaine
Lakewood High School
Hall, Connor
Marysville High School
Hall, Maxwell
Olentangy High School
Hammond, Taryn
Big Walnut High School
Harmon, Wyat
Fredericktown High School
Harrison, Alec
Millersport High School
Hastings, Raelynn
Teays Valley High School
Hawk, Vanessa
Danville High School
Hayward, Emma
North Union High School
Heard, Victoria
Eastmoor Academy
Heck, Kelly
Hilliard Davidson High School
Herbst, Jack
Fairbanks High School
Herceg, Jackson
Dublin Jerome High School
Hernan, Justin
Delaware Hayes High School
Hoellrich, Emma
Fairfield Union High School
Hoover, Luke
Fairfield Christian Academy
Hummer, Andy
Upper Arlington High School
Ihlenfield, Nicole
Tree of Life High School
Ingram, Evan
Westerville Central High School
Isaiah, Oluwaseun
Independence High School
Joseph, Jay
Worthington Christian High School
Kamer, Mason
Canal Winchester High School
Kauchak, Brooke
Granville High School
Kelly, Leland
Licking Heights High School
Kennedy, Kathleen
Marysville High School
Kenny, Jeremy
Hilliard Davidson High School
Kerman, Nadia
Cardington-Lincoln High School
Klingel, Cort
River Valley High School
Kraker, Emily
St. Francis DeSales High School
Lange, Bethany
Worthington Kilbourne High School
Latiolais, Aaron
Heath High School
Lattimore, Mose
West High School
Lee, Makyah
Beechcroft High School
Lepley, Clayton
Grove City Christian
Little, Braden
Berne Union High School
Long, Sopiyatra
Mifflin High School
Longo, Christina
River Valley High School
Lovell, Austin
Westerville South High School
MacDonald, Zachary
Big Walnut High School
Maley, Grace
Bexley High School
Marshall, Lavon
Cristo Rey Columbus High School
Martin, Valentina
Pleasant High School
Matoszkia, Kyle
Johnstown Monroe High School
Maxstead, Rebecca
Whitehall-Yearling High School
Mayotte, Danny
Westerville North High School
McCandless, Morgan
Olentangy High School
McKinney, Morgan
West Jefferson High School
McLaughlin, Victoria
Hilliard Darby High School
McQuade, Alexis
Dublin Scioto High School
Medrano, Tessa
Village Academy
Meeks, Lynsey
Worthington Christian High School
Meszaros, Christopher
Lancaster High School
Miller, Shae
Lakewood High School
Miller, Natasha
Mount Vernon High School
Milligan, Ryan
Olentangy Liberty High School
Mitchel, Garrett
Logan Elm High School
Moore, Griffen
Licking Valley High School
Moore, Hunter
Olentangy Orange High School
Morbitzer, Anthony
Hamilton Township High School
Morman, Blake
Liberty Union High School
Moulton, Hannah
Thomas Worthington High School
Muckensturm, Bailey
William V. Fisher Catholic
Muth, Keegan
Granville Christian Academy
Myers, Delonte
Mifflin High School
Nicol, Krista
Fairbanks High School
Nicol, Phillip
Marion Harding High School
Oakley, Colten
Highland High School
Palombaro, Katie
Licking Heights High School
Paradiso, Giavanna
Bishop Watterson High School
Parkinson, Sierra
New Albany High School
Pence, Drake
East Knox High School
Perkins, Kayin
Columbus Africentric High School
Perry, Katherine
Bishop Ready High School
Peters, Jacob
Bloom-Carroll High School
Pettay, Kenneth
Groveport Madison High School
Potts, Breanna
Northside Christian School
Price, Hayden
Fairfield Union High School
Randall, Connor
Madison Christian School
Ransom, Demeisha
South High School
Ray, Michael
Whetstone High School
Reynolds, Antwyan
Harvest Preparatory School
Riley, Asia
Cristo Rey Columbus High School
Roberts, Imani
Columbus International High School
Robinson, Megan
Bloom-Carroll High School
Robinson, Dez
South High School
Rogerson, McLaren
London High School
Royer, Karli
Westerville North High School
Runda, Makenzee
Elgin High School
Sahr, Michaela
Amanda-Clearcreek High School
Salmeron, Anthony
St. Francis DeSales High School
Sammeth, Zachary
Grove City High School
Sargent, Hannah
Olentangy Orange High School
Scarbury, Julie
Highland High School
Schildmeyer, Anna
Upper Arlington High School
Schilling, Cassie
Millersport High School
Schilling, Garrett
North Union High School
Schneller, Elise
Buckeye Valley High School
Scholl, Julia
Hamilton Township High School
Scott, Lane
Grove City Christian
Seimer, Matthew
Jonathan Alder High School
Shambaugh, Joel
Dublin Scioto High School
Sharp, William
Granville High School
Sheasby, Morgan
Centerburg High School
Shore, Curtiss
Westland High School
Sites, James
Amanda-Clearcreek High School
Slabaugh, Sabrina
Shekinah Christian School
Sloan, Emily
Gahanna Lincoln High School
Smith, Molly
Grandview Heights High School
Smith, Caitlyn
Watkins Memorial High School
Smoot-Baker, Aarin
Beechcroft High School
Snider, Andrew
Newark Catholic High School
Soler, Kendra
Groveport Madison High School
Spaulding, Ben
Buckeye Valley High School
Stackhouse, Jayln
Madison Christian School
Stanton, Megan
Newark Catholic High School
Steele, Abigail
Westerville Central High School
Steer, Cory
Watkins Memorial High School
Talamo, Olivia
Westerville South High School
Taylor, Patrick
Grandview Heights High School
Tiell, Jacob
Mount Vernon High School
Tripp, Cody
Teays Valley High School
Trombetti, Jack
Worthington Kilbourne High School
Tumbleson, Rachel
Fredericktown High School
Vanderhoff, Peter
Pickerington High School North
Vela, Jessica
Marion Harding High School
Waitkus, Bailey
Whetstone High School
Waugh, Brandon
Northland High School
Weber, Connor
The Wellington School
Weekley, Sheldon
Granville Christian Academy
White, Anthony
Northmor High School
Wilhelm, Abigail
Heath High School
Willard, Jessica
Logan Elm High School
Williams, Jaylon
Marion Franklin High School
Williamson, Daniel
Mount Gilead High School
Wingeier, Leah
Newark High School
Yakubov, Evan
St. Charles Preparatory School
Yoder-Tiedt, Emily
Centennial High School