COVID-19 Safety Information
Safety is our top priority. The Dispatch and our partners are firmly committed to providing a safe environment for our customers, participating companies and our staff. We will adhere to the guidelines set forth in our Safe Operating Plan, created with input from health officials. See below for safety practices guests must follow.
Contactless Ticketing
Tickets must be purchased ONLINE ONLY. No walk-up ticket sales.
Temp Checks
All staff will have their temperature checked daily. If you have a temperature over 100.4 please do not attend.
Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizing stations will be readily available and positioned throughout the show for convenient and frequent use.
Our stewards will be monitoring to help ensure that safety guidelines are being followed.
The show will be focused on local craftsmen and experts this year. No stage presentations or workshops, and no celebrity demonstrations.
Masks Required
All guests over age 2 must wear a mask or face covering to attend. No exceptions.
Social Distancing
Distancing protocols will be enforced for guests and staff at the show.
We are limiting attendance during all hours through online tickets for specific entry time slots.
Health Concerns?
If you have any health concerns, please do not attend. We look forward to seeing you at the fall Show or the 2022 Home & Garden Show.
NEW ENTRANCE - enter parking from 11th Avenue, no entry from 17th Avenue. $5 per entry, cash preferred.
Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns about our operating plan, attendance, or safety at the show, please submit them here and we will reach out as soon as we are able.