Time to Vote! Get Your Organization Crowned a CBUS Top Pick

Phase 2 | Voting Period: October 1-31

The Columbus Dispatch has provided marketing tools to help businesses promote nominating and voting to their loyal fans. We encourage you to use the hashtag #CbusTopPicks, download and share the images to use on your social media promotions, e-newsletters, point of sale, company website... ANYWHERE! Keep checking for more additional marketing tools through the CBUS Top Picks process. 

Don't forget to use the official hashtag: #CbusTopPicks

Links to Ballot Categories

Auto Services: 

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283731

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2zTN8H5

Entertainment & Leisure

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283732

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2Nte8Px

Food, Dining & Spirits

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283733

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2Nyyqaa

Health & Beauty

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283734

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2JGuwtt

In & Around the House

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283735

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2LxsGx2

Kids & Education

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283736

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2JFY8rc


Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283737

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2uRTBMV


Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283738

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2LcmD4U

Shopping & Stores

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283739

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2O4WyT5

Sports & Activities

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283740

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2LpvQGd

Why I ♥ CBUS

Direct URL: http://dispatch.secondstreetapp.com/2018-Columbus-Dispatch-CBUS-Top-Picks/gallery?group=283741

Shortened URL: http://bit.ly/2JCX7zT


General 2018 CBUS Top Picks Logo

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Vote Now Button

To download: Right click (Control-Click on a Mac) and then "Save As ...".

To download: Right click (Control-Click on a Mac) and then "Save As ...".


Vote Now Image

To download: Right click (Control-Click on a Mac) and then "Save As ...".

To download: Right click (Control-Click on a Mac) and then "Save As ...".


Vote Now Email Header

To download: Right click (Control-Click on a Mac) and then "Save As ...".

To download: Right click (Control-Click on a Mac) and then "Save As ...".


"Vote Now & You Could Win" Image

To download: Right click (Control-Click on a Mac) and then "Save As ...".

To download: Right click (Control-Click on a Mac) and then "Save As ...".


Why the CBUS Top Picks program matters to your business:

Out of more than 30,000 area businesses, the Columbus community voted for their favorites to be named a 2017 CBUS Top Pick. That’s a big deal. To be a CBUS Top Pick means people recognize you as one of the elite companies in town — a top 3 in your space. We wanted Central Ohio to tell us who they count on — day in and day out — for products, services and entertainment. To tell us which local companies are the best of the best.  We are thrilled by the enthusiastic response of people who cast nearly 170,000 votes.

We are excited to celebrate our top Central Ohio businesses and organizations, chosen by the people who live here. 

Subscribe for updates on CBUS Top Picks 2018

CBUS top picks for businesses newletter



Frequently Asked Questions


How can my business be listed on The Dispatch CBUS Top Picks ballot?

A “Write-In” nomination process will be open from August 1-31. After the “Write-In” nomination has been completed, up to the top 6 companies and organizations with the most nominations will be listed on the voting ballot. Businesses will be checked for validity, so please make sure the nomination is submitted with the correct name and the category is appropriate. If a business cannot be verified, the nomination will not be published on the ballot.


Can my business be nominated in multiple categories?

Yes. Businesses can be nominated in all relevant categories upon approval. For instance, ABC Restaurant can be nominated for Overall Restaurant and Italian Restaurant. Businesses will be checked for validity, so please make sure the nomination is submitted in the appropriate category. If a business cannot be verified, the nomination will not be published on the ballot.


Are there ways for my business to be promoted on the ballot?

The Dispatch offers several unique and affordable ways for your business to promote themselves on this popular ballot. Ask your account representative for more information.


What is the best way for my loyal customers to nominate & vote for my business in CBUS Top Picks?

A simplified ballot system has also been created online at: CbusTopPicks.com. Voters can nominate & cast their ballot in up to 300+ categories. Feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, email database and more! Direct your fans to vote online: CbusTopPicks.com. Don't forget to include the following hashtag in all your promotions: #CbusTopPicks


When is the voting period?

The Dispatch CBUS Top Picks program takes place in 2 phases. 

Phase 1 Write-In Nomination: Wednesday, August 1 - Friday, August 31 at 11:59 p.m.

Phase 2 Voting Ballot: Monday, October 1 - Wednesday, October 31 at 11:59 p.m. 

Phase 3 Celebration: The top 3 companies and organizations with the most votes will be named at 2018 CBUS Top Pick and will be contacted early November. CBUS Top Picks will be published in a special CBUS Top Picks Winners Guide publication in The Columbus Dispatch. A special event to celebrate the 2018 CBUS Top Picks is scheduled for Wednesday, December 5.

What happens if my business advances to the Phase 2? 

Congratulations for advancing to the next phase of CBUS Top Picks! Up to the top 6 finalists will be included in the Phase 2 Voting phase. Votes are reset, so we encourage you to share with all your loyal fans! Feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, email database and more! Direct your fans to vote online: CbusTopPicks.com. Voters can cast their votes DAILY from October 1-31. Don't forget to include the following hashtag in all your promotions: #CbusTopPicks

Are there ways for my business to be promoted on the CBUS Top Picks Ballot?

The Columbus Dispatch offers several unique and affordable ways for your business to promote their services. Ask your account representative for more information.

2017 CBUS Top Picks & 2017 Winners Guide

Published in The Columbus Dispatch on Friday, December 22.

You can check out the online Winners Directory page at CbusTopPicks.com